<div class="wrapper">
<div class="accordion"><input id="accordion-1" type="checkbox" name="accordions"><label for="accordion-1">After-party entrance</label><div class="accordion-content">
<li>You welcome visitors to the after-party and check their badges</li>
<li>You are able to get people in the venue quickly and organised</li>
<li>You keep out unwanted guests</li>
<li><a href="https://2018.europe.wordcamp.org/volunteer-information/volunteer-roles/after-party-entrance/">Check details and apply for After-party entrance</a></li></ul></div></div>
<div class="accordion"><input id="accordion-2" type="checkbox" name="accordions"><label for="accordion-2">After-party entrance manager</label><div class="accordion-content">
<li>You are responsible for after-party entrance workforce</li>
<li>You set the mood for the team to get people excited to enter the party</li>
<li>You're the problem solver (if needed)</li>
<li><a href="https://2018.europe.wordcamp.org/volunteer-information/volunteer-roles/after-party-entrance-manager/">Check details and apply for After-party entrance manager</a></li></ul></div></div>
<div class="accordion"><input id="accordion-3" type="checkbox" name="accordions"><label for="accordion-3">Attendee orientation</label><div class="accordion-content">
<li>You are manning the info booth and roving the hallways to help attendees with any question they could have</li>
<li>You start conversations and help people that seem lost </li>
<li>This is perfect for you when you like interacting with people or of you don’t like being in 1 spot all the time</li>
<li><a href="https://2018.europe.wordcamp.org/volunteer-information/volunteer-roles/attendee-orientation/">Check details and apply for Attendee orientation</a></li></ul></div></div>
<div class="accordion"><input id="accordion-4" type="checkbox" name="accordions"><label for="accordion-4">Communication support</label><div class="accordion-content">
<li>You are the liaison between photography/video teams and the communication team</li>
<li>You will be selecting, editing, renaming and saving images and videos </li>
<li>The time constraint is an important part of the job so you are fast and accurate</li>
<li><a href="https://2018.europe.wordcamp.org/volunteer-information/volunteer-roles/communication-support/">Check details and apply for Communication support</a></li></ul></div></div>
<div class="accordion"><input id="accordion-5" type="checkbox" name="accordions"><label for="accordion-5">Door guard</label><div class="accordion-content">
<li>It's your job to welcome people into the rooms before the session starts</li>
<li>You make sure people entering or exiting the rooms during the talks do that as quit as possible</li>
<li>You'll get to see the session while guarding the door.</li>
<li><a href="https://2018.europe.wordcamp.org/volunteer-information/volunteer-roles/door-guard/">Check details and apply for Door guard</a></li></ul></div></div>
<div class="accordion"><input id="accordion-6" type="checkbox" name="accordions"><label for="accordion-6">Green room assistent</label><div class="accordion-content">
<li>You make sure only speakers preparing for their talk are in the Green Room</li>
<li>You maintain peace and quit in the room</li>
<li>If one of the speakers needs something you make sure it gets to the Green Room (you get it or you get someone to get it for you)</li>
<li><a href="https://2018.europe.wordcamp.org/volunteer-information/volunteer-roles/green-room-assistant/">Check details and apply for Green room assistent</a></li></ul></div></div>
<div class="accordion"><input id="accordion-7" type="checkbox" name="accordions"><label for="accordion-7">Hallway manager</label><div class="accordion-content">
<li>Your job is to organise and supervise Attendee Orientation volunteers</li>
<li>You schedule rotation between booth and roving volunteers</li>
<li>Hands on mentality is need for this job, you do the work when needed</li>
<li><a href="https://2018.europe.wordcamp.org/volunteer-information/volunteer-roles/hallway-manager/">Check details and apply for Hallway manager</a></li></ul></div></div>
<div class="accordion"><input id="accordion-8" type="checkbox" name="accordions"><label for="accordion-8">Happiness bar</label><div class="accordion-content">
<li>You feel comforaccordionle helping people with all kinds of WordPress questions</li>
<li>If you don't know the answer you help people find a way to find an answer</li>
<li>You're the friendly inviting face that makes people feel comforaccordionle asking all the questions they have</li>
<li><a href="https://2018.europe.wordcamp.org/happiness-bar/">Check details and apply for Happiness bar</a></li></ul></div></div>
<div class="accordion"><input id="accordion-9" type="checkbox" name="accordions"><label for="accordion-9">Happiness bar manager</label><div class="accordion-content">
<li>You are the Happiness Bar leader of the pack</li>
<li>The team is happy and productive and you keep them that way</li>
<li>You help the Happiness Bar team answering WordPress questions if you're done managing</li>
<li><a href="https://2018.europe.wordcamp.org/volunteer-information/volunteer-roles/happiness-bar-manager/">Check details and apply for Happiness bar manager</a></li></ul></div></div>
<div class="accordion"><input id="accordion-10" type="checkbox" name="accordions"><label for="accordion-10">PR support</label><div class="accordion-content">
<li>You'll find and share news during the event</li>
<li>You prepare and set up interviews</li>
<li>You make sure all Media Supporters and Media Partners get updates during the conference</li>
<li><a href="https://2018.europe.wordcamp.org/volunteer-information/volunteer-roles/pr-support/">Check details and apply for PR support</a></li></ul></div></div>
<div class="accordion"><input id="accordion-11" type="checkbox" name="accordions"><label for="accordion-11">Registration desk</label><div class="accordion-content">
<li>"Welcome to WordCamp Antwerp 2018" is your line and you'll use it to welcome and inform attendees at the entrance</li>
<li>You'll check tickets</li>
<li>Prepare and handout badges</li>
<li><a href="https://2018.europe.wordcamp.org/volunteer-information/volunteer-roles/registration-desk/">Check details and apply for Registration desk</a></li></ul></div></div>
<div class="accordion"><input id="accordion-12" type="checkbox" name="accordions"><label for="accordion-12">Registration lead</label><div class="accordion-content">
<li>You are the connection between registration desk and registration desk manager</li>
<li>You make sure all the volunteer seats are taken (by volunteers)</li>
<li> If there is a problem, you are there to fix it</li>
<li><a href="https://2018.europe.wordcamp.org/volunteer-information/volunteer-roles/normal-registration-lead/">Check details and apply for Registration lead</a></li></ul></div></div>
<div class="accordion"><input id="accordion-13" type="checkbox" name="accordions"><label for="accordion-13">Registration manager</label><div class="accordion-content">
<li>You are the connection between the registration leads and the organizing team</li>
<li>Coordinating registration with the different registration leads</li>
<li>You know what's going on at the different desks and take action when needed</li>
<li><a href="https://2018.europe.wordcamp.org/volunteer-information/volunteer-roles/registration-manager/">Check details and apply for Registration manager</a></li></ul></div></div>
<div class="accordion"><input id="accordion-14" type="checkbox" name="accordions"><label for="accordion-14">Room lead</label><div class="accordion-content">
<li>You are the team leader (timekeeper, door guards and runners)</li>
<li>You are part of the team to make sure the event runs smoothly in all the session rooms</li>
<li>You collaborating closely with the room emcee</li>
<li><a href="https://2018.europe.wordcamp.org/volunteer-information/volunteer-roles/room-lead/">Check details and apply for Room lead</a></li></ul></div></div>
<div class="accordion"><input id="accordion-15" type="checkbox" name="accordions"><label for="accordion-15">Rooms manager</label><div class="accordion-content">
<li>Your job is to be the connector between the room leads and the volunteers team organizers</li>
<li>You'll be coordinating all the room leads</li>
<li>Your superpower is prioritizing and delegating</li>
<li><a href="https://2018.europe.wordcamp.org/volunteer-information/volunteer-roles/rooms-manager/">Check details and apply for Rooms manager</a></li></ul></div></div>
<div class="accordion"><input id="accordion-16" type="checkbox" name="accordions"><label for="accordion-16">Runner</label><div class="accordion-content">
<li>You are the super speedy person resolving last minute issues</li>
<li>You'll assist the Room Lead with things needed in the room</li>
<li>Run mic's at Q&A</li>
<li><a href="https://2018.europe.wordcamp.org/volunteer-information/volunteer-roles/runner/">Check details and apply for Runner</a></li></ul></div></div>
<div class="accordion"><input id="accordion-17" type="checkbox" name="accordions"><label for="accordion-17">Shop station</label><div class="accordion-content">
<li>You're selling WordPress swag in the WordPress shop</li>
<li>You're helpful and friendly</li>
<li><a href="https://2018.europe.wordcamp.org/volunteer-information/volunteer-roles/shop-station/">Check details and apply for Shop station</a></li></ul></div></div>
<div class="accordion"><input id="accordion-18" type="checkbox" name="accordions"><label for="accordion-18">Shop station lead</label><div class="accordion-content">
<li>You are responsible for the volunteers manning the Swag shop</li>
<li>You make sure the right people are in the right place at the right time</li>
<li><a href="https://2018.europe.wordcamp.org/volunteer-information/volunteer-roles/shop-station-lead/">Check details and apply for Shop station lead</a></li></ul></div></div>
<div class="accordion"><input id="accordion-19" type="checkbox" name="accordions"><label for="accordion-19">Social media support</label><div class="accordion-content">
<li>You'll write posts and share pictures during talks about the talk, speaker and post directly on WCANT social media accounts</li>
<li>You interact with people who are commenting on posts</li>
<li>You support attendees that ask for help using social media</li>
<li><a href="https://2018.europe.wordcamp.org/volunteer-information/volunteer-roles/social-media-support/">Check details and apply for Social media support</a></li></ul></div></div>
<div class="accordion"><input id="accordion-20" type="checkbox" name="accordions"><label for="accordion-20">Speaker wrangler</label><div class="accordion-content">
<li>You are responsible for speakers arriving in the right track on time</li>
<li>You assist the speakers with tech check and setup and everything else they might need</li>
<li>Finaly you'll be guiding the speakers back to the Green Room after their session</li>
<li><a href="https://2018.europe.wordcamp.org/volunteer-information/volunteer-roles/speaker-wrangler/">Check details and apply for Speaker wrangler</a></li></ul></div></div>
<div class="accordion"><input id="accordion-21" type="checkbox" name="accordions"><label for="accordion-21">Speaker wrangler manager</label><div class="accordion-content">
<li>You're in charge and responsible for the team of speaker wranglers</li>
<li>You participate on the smooth running of the talks</li>
<li>The connector between the speaker wranglers and the #content team = YOU</li>
<li><a href="https://2018.europe.wordcamp.org/volunteer-information/volunteer-roles/speaker-wrangler/">Check details and apply for Speaker wrangler manager</a></li></ul></div></div>
<div class="accordion"><input id="accordion-22" type="checkbox" name="accordions"><label for="accordion-22">Sponsor wrangler</label><div class="accordion-content">
<li>You’re the first point of contact on the floor for sponsors</li>
<li>You help resolve minor issues or reach out to the Sponsor wrangler manager for bigger issues</li>
<li>Make sure that any issues raised by our sponsors are addressed in a timely manner</li>
<li><a href="https://2018.europe.wordcamp.org/volunteer-information/volunteer-roles/sponsor-wrangler/">Check details and apply for Sponsor wrangler</a></li></ul></div></div>
<div class="accordion"><input id="accordion-23" type="checkbox" name="accordions"><label for="accordion-23">Sponsor wrangler manager</label><div class="accordion-content">
<li>You will be leading a team of Sponsors Wranglers</li>
<li>You'll work closely with the Sponsors and Volunteers team and keep them updated.</li>
<li>You make sure that at all times there is at least one Sponsors Wrangler on the floor available and that sponsors know how to reach him/her</li>
<li><a href="https://2018.europe.wordcamp.org/volunteer-information/volunteer-roles/sponsor-wrangler-manager/">Check details and apply for Sponsor wrangler manager</a></li></ul></div></div>
<div class="accordion"><input id="accordion-24" type="checkbox" name="accordions"><label for="accordion-24">Stage builder</label><div class="accordion-content">
<li>You're the muscled helper that puts furniture on the stage for the keynote</li>
<li>And you remove the furniture after the keynote.</li>
<li><a href="https://2018.europe.wordcamp.org/volunteer-information/volunteer-roles/stage-builder/">Check details and apply for Stage builder</a></li></ul></div></div>
<div class="accordion"><input id="accordion-25" type="checkbox" name="accordions"><label for="accordion-25">Swag & shop manager</label><div class="accordion-content">
<li>Oversee the swag area and makes sure everything is fine</li>
<li>You need to make sure that the Swag and Shop stations have enough volunteers to function properly.</li>
<li>Provide assistance and guidance to the Swag and Shop leads</li>
<li><a href="https://2018.europe.wordcamp.org/volunteer-information/volunteer-roles/swag-shop-manager/">Check details and apply for Swag & shop manager</a></li></ul></div></div>
<div class="accordion"><input id="accordion-26" type="checkbox" name="accordions"><label for="accordion-26">Swag station</label><div class="accordion-content">
<li>You get to give swag to attendees and check on a list who's received their swag</li>
<li>You make sure the swag accordionle doesn't turn into one messy pile of stuff</li>
<li>Unbox boxes of swag and move them where they’re needed</li>
<li><a href="https://2018.europe.wordcamp.org/volunteer-information/volunteer-roles/swag-station/">Check details and apply for Swag station</a></li></ul></div></div>
<div class="accordion"><input id="accordion-27" type="checkbox" name="accordions"><label for="accordion-27">Swag station lead</label><div class="accordion-content">
<li>You make sure that the volunteers are present and know what to do</li>
<li>Create a system to hand out t-shirts and check of who got one</li>
<li>Set up the swag accordionle and making sure it’s in good order</li>
<li><a href="https://2018.europe.wordcamp.org/volunteer-information/volunteer-roles/swag-station-lead/">Check details and apply for Swag station lead</a></li></ul></div></div>
<div class="accordion"><input id="accordion-28" type="checkbox" name="accordions"><label for="accordion-28">Tech help</label><div class="accordion-content">
<li>Your job is making sure that no presentation is thwarted by technical difficulties</li>
<li>You have solid IT skills to resolve any issue that appears</li>
<li>This job is only suiaccordionle for the coolest people, an entire room is looking at you do your job</li>
<li><a href="https://2018.europe.wordcamp.org/volunteer-information/volunteer-roles/tech-help/">Check details and apply for Tech help</a></li></ul></div></div>
<div class="accordion"><input id="accordion-29" type="checkbox" name="accordions"><label for="accordion-29">Time keeper</label><div class="accordion-content">
<li>You are responsible for talks starting and ending on time</li>
<li>Help the speakers stay on track (timewise)</li>
<li>Show the speakers the remaining time panels during their session</li>
<li><a href="https://2018.europe.wordcamp.org/volunteer-information/volunteer-roles/time-keeper/">Check details and apply for Time keeper</a></li></ul></div></div>
<div class="accordion"><input id="accordion-30" type="checkbox" name="accordions"><label for="accordion-30">Volunteer happiness manager</label><div class="accordion-content">
<li>You take care and assist other WCANT volunteers</li>
<li>You bring them everything they might need during their shift (volunteer runner)</li>
<li>Volunteers rely on you to handle their requests in the #volunteer Slack channel</li>
<li><a href="https://2018.europe.wordcamp.org/volunteer-information/volunteer-roles/volunteers-happiness-manager/">Check details and apply for Volunteer happiness manager</a></li></ul></div></div>
<div class="accordion"><input id="accordion-31" type="checkbox" name="accordions"><label for="accordion-31">Workshop room assistant</label><div class="accordion-content">
<li>You'll be creating a save and friendly environment for Workshop Leads to have their workshop</li>
<li>Attendees need a ticket to get in a workshop and it's your job to check the tickets</li>
<li>You make sure nobody is a disturbance during a workshop</li>
<li><a href="https://2018.europe.wordcamp.org/volunteer-information/volunteer-roles/workshop-room-assistant/">Check details and apply for Workshop room assistant</a></li></ul></div></div>
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Dolores quos atque reprehenderit quibusdam soluta quo sunt doloribus laudantium nobis, cupiditate possimus amet, accusamus eius, aut ea cum officia ad adipisci?
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Officia labore accusamus sunt porro expedita veritatis enim cumque doloremque voluptatibus sapiente molestias, ea dolores laborum culpa repudiandae fugiat. Tenetur eligendi quas similique molestias eos repellat reprehenderit, vitae consequatur, earum iste placeat.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Maiores, suscipit.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Facere sit soluta eaque, beatae excepturi ab nulla repellendus nesciunt culpa rerum suscipit animi amet natus inventore iste nemo provident voluptatem non iure doloremque doloribus vel ad unde! Iste beatae, aliquam recusandae.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Atque omnis inventore magni, alias repudiandae nam quisquam et repellat, temporibus saepe doloremque amet? Aut architecto atque porro illum magnam accusantium sint nesciunt quisquam praesentium expedita, libero deserunt in nobis nihil facilis?
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